Crabtree Farm Primary School
Steadfold Close
0115 9155737
Welcome to the Crabtree Farm Primary School Website
Religious Education Intent Vision
In our school, we want our children to understand the importance and value of religion and belief, especially those in our school and community.
Religious Education
As part of the school’s Religious Education curriculum programme, we explore different religions, faiths and beliefs. The purpose of these lessons are to provide knowledge and understanding, along with developing an ethos of respect.
To support our teaching of Religious Education we use the agreed syllabus for Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire, Religious Education for All.
Some examples of topics within our R.E programme of study include:
EYFS - Celebrations and festivals
Year 1 - Myself and caring for others
Year 2 - Believing
Year 3 - Worship and sacred places
Year 4 - Symbols and religious expression
Year 5 - Inspirational people in today’s world
Year 6 - Beliefs in action in the world. Global issues
We also regularly discuss celebrations and festivals that occur throughout the year. Two of these are the Christian festivals of Harvest and Christmas. For these events, years 1 - 6 attend St Mary’s Church in Bulwell for a celebration assembly. These take place in October and December each year.
The assemblies include singing songs relevant to the festival, readings by children and a short message from staff members. The reverend from St Mary’s church, also shares a short welcome and prayer with the children. Children can participate from the front by singing in the choir or being chosen to perform a reading. All other children sit in the pews and participate from there. Parents/carers and other adults linked to the school are invited to join us for these celebrations.
At Crabtree Farm, we think it is important for children to encounter and learn about different religions and beliefs. However, we also understand that some children may wish to not participate in the celebration assemblies for religious or other reasons. All children are given the choice to sing any song that is religious or join in the prayer at the end of these events, or they may wish to abstain. Father Andrew uses clear language to explain how to pray, for those who wish to join in.
Right to withdraw from the celebration assemblies held at church
Whilst we always try to work with parents/carers to explore their views, we also accept that parents/carers can exercise their right to withdraw their child from the celebration assemblies. There is no right to withdraw from all other aspects of the RE curriculum, including visiting religious buildings and settings, as this is compulsory and are key parts of your children’s learning.
If you wish your child not to attend either the Harvest Festival or the Christmas Celebration at St Mary’s church, or any other church setting, we ask that parents/carers write a letter or email to the headteacher of the school stating this and their reasons why.
Our RE Policy is reviewed annually. It is available by clicking on the link above. Parents/carers are welcome to contact our RE subject leader to discuss any aspect of the RE curriculum further, if they require more information.