Crabtree Farm Primary School
Steadfold Close
0115 9155737
Welcome to the Crabtree Farm Primary School Website

E.Y.F.S Intent Vision
By the end of EYFS, we want all our children to have experienced a broad and balanced curriculum that offers new experiences, follows our children’s interests and allows them to reach their full potential; in a language rich learning environment that ensures they feel safe and happy at school. We want them to be equipped with the skills to continue their learning, with dreams and aspirations for the future.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years children have a curriculum, which meets the requirements set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework. There are 7 areas of learning.
Three Prime Areas:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Four Specific Areas:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
The curriculum is taught in a very hands on way and develops children’s exploration and independence skills.
All children have the opportunity for learning through child initiated activities in the indoor and outdoor environment, adult led activities and direct teaching time.