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Design & Technology  Intent Vision

At Crabtree Farm, through an engaging DT curriculum, we aim to inspire our children to become the next engineers, designers, chefs, and architects.

Design & Technology Curriculum at Crabtree Farm

At Crabtree Farm we support our teaching of the National Curriculum for Design and Technology, through the use of the Design and Technology Association's progression framework. The D & T Progression document details what the children learn in each year group and how they develop their skills and knowledge during their time in primary school.  Have a look to see what your child is learning in D & T!

Our Learning in Design & Technology

The F1 children were very busy during autumn 1. They used the crates in the outdoor construction areas to make vehicles and a police station. They practised their knife skills when cutting apples to make their Gruffalo crumble. They also completed a 'construction challenge of the week' to make a bed for themselves or one of the teddies.

Year 5 were busy designing, making and evaluating a pop-up toy for a younger child to improve their fine motor skills. They interviewed the year 2 children and along with the design brief, they made their own design criteria. They did lots of research on mechanical systems and they experimented with different cams. Although they had great fun whilst making, there were a few challenges that presented along the way. They made sure that they evaluated the whole process thoroughly at the end of the project. 

Design and Technology at Crabtree Farm

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