Crabtree Farm Primary School
Steadfold Close
0115 9155737
Welcome to the Crabtree Farm Primary School Website

Art at Crabtree Farm
Art Intent Vision
Our children will have the confidence and skills to experiment and create artwork using a wide range of artistic media, regardless of their ability. By using their knowledge of various artists, as well as making links to cultural art experiences within school and the wider community, they can develop and produce original ideas and outcomes which express their creativity.
Art Curriculum at Crabtree Farm
At Crabtree Farm we support our teaching of the National Curriculum for Art, through the use of AccessArt. AccessArt is an organisation which works closely with schools and artist, and works to inspire and enable high quality visual arts teaching, learning and practice. The AccessArt curriculum aims to provide an inspirational approach to visual arts education in primary schools. The flexible scheme aims to empower teachers to grow their subject knowledge, whilst providing pupils with an exciting and forward thinking art education. The Access Art Progression document details what the children learn in each year group and how they develop their skills and knowledge during their time in primary school. Have a look to see what your child is learning in art!