Crabtree Farm Primary School
Steadfold Close
0115 9155737
Welcome to the Crabtree Farm Primary School Website
Science Intent Vision
At Crabtree Farm, we ignite curiosity in science by exploring the world through diverse practical tasks and engaging enquiries which develop transferrable skills (STEM) and long-term retention of knowledge. This is done so that our children understand the importance and prominence of science
Science Curriculum at Crabtree Farm
At Crabtree Farm we support our teaching of the National Curriculum for Science, through the use of Developing Experts. Developing Experts has more than 1000 online science lesson plans that come with practical experiments, differentiated handouts and tools for delivering and tracking assessment. All their resources are mapped against the National Curriculum, with a sustained focus on scientific skills and progression. The science overview document details what the children learn in each year group and how they develop their skills and knowledge during their time in primary school. Our science lessons involve learning how to be good scientists by building our ‘Working scientifically’ skills. Our children learn how to observe, measure, plan, predict and ask questions. Have a look at the documents, to see what your child is learning in science!